Single Track Sunday- Raleigh-Durham, NC

Single Track Sunday
Place: Raleigh- Durham, NC
Ridden: February, 2014

Way to much snow in Pennsylvania, we had to get away.  After calling multiple bike shops all over the east coast, Joël found out that pretty much no where has single track that can be ridden, winter storm Pax made everything too sloppy.  Thus, we decided on a weekend of road riding and found the closest place that had sun, warmish temperatures, and the least amount of snow so that Cliff could hit the trails for some hiking. After much weather checking, we headed to the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina.

Multiple state parks in the area offered hiking choices for Cliff, so he was able to run and feel grass under his feet.  Road riding in the area in abundant. By using the web to search for riding routes and the Garmin GPS maps to help us explore, we were able to get in many miles on the road bikes. Our rides took us through some back country roads (yes, we were chased by many dogs, for those of you that have ridden in the south you know what that is like), to Kerr Dam, and even into Virginia. Temperatures were decent and the sun was shining so it was a great weekend to be on the bike.  It was so nice to actually get out and ride our bikes and to watch Cliff run around on the trails.

Driving back to Pennsylvania , we could see the snow amounts get higher and higher.  Hopefully it will all melt here soon!