Single Track Sunday- Pine Barrens, NJ

Single Track Sunday
Place: Batsto Village, Pine Barrens, NJ
Ridden: February 2014

This theme for the ride this weekend was again to escape the snow.  We traveled with some friends to Wharton State Forest, which is within the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey. No snow there and warm temperatures, which made for a great day on the bike.

The average elevation of the Pine Barrens is about 80 feet above sea level, so needless to say there is no climbing. But flat terrain brings about another challenge, one has to always be pedaling, which can be just as exhausting as climbing. The trails are hard packed single track that weave among the pine trees, sometimes coming precariously close to them.

Total miles of the cycling trails is about 30. There are miles and miles of dirt roads (we were told only certain roads are open to cyclists, but have not confirmed that fact) and many hiking only trails also. We only explored the cycling trails, but if one adds in the dirt roads it could easily make for an epic day on the bike.

The Batsto Parking lot is a good choice of places to park. There is a visitors center with flush toilets, water fountain, and gift shop.  Additionally, the Batsto Village is right there for the historians out there. It is a National Historic Site; an old village that is fully preserved.

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