Single Track Sunday-Undisclosed location

Single Track Sunday
Place: UndisclosedRidden: October 2013

The video this week is from a recent night ride. What, we ride at night?  Well, yes we do. As the daylight gets less and the temperatures drop, we are forced to bring out the lights.  

A typical set-up for mountain biking includes two lights- one on the handle bars and one on the helmet.  Total between the two lights is usually 1000-2000 lumen, which is about as bright as car headlights.  Winter clothing most often has reflective materials on it and often we have red rear lights, thus safe for when on the roads.

Even Cliff has his night riding gear, a reflective jacket.

For security purposes, the location of this ride needs to stay unknown. See, we really aren't allowed to be there after dark.

Night riding certainly is a challenge but it is fun. It's a unique experience to see a line of lights traveling through the forest.  Even the most familiar trails look a little different in the dark.

Video link for better quality video

Direct video, fast loading but not the best quality.