Single Track Sunday- South Mountain Emmaus, PA

Single Track Sunday
Place: South Mountain Emmaus (Alpine), PA
Ridden: October 2013

Ride over logs and rocks and boulders...and keep repeating and you have South Mountain Emmaus, aka Alpine Street.

Most of this trail system is on Nature Conservancy land. The trails weave their way along the side of the mountain until reaching the top. For those who like to practice their skills while riding, this is a great place to ride. Many boulders, rock gardens, and logs to session.

If you are feeling adventurous, one can exit the main trail system and explore many side trails.  The power line is accessible from the main trails system, if ridden from bottom to top can be a nice climb.

Staying on just Nature Conservancy trails there is about 5 miles of trails, but venturing off onto many of the side trails (and maybe getting lost at time) can total around 15 miles.

Definitely another great trail system within the Lehigh Valley.

Video link for best quality video.

Direct video for quick viewing.