What This is About

We spend so much of our time pedaling along the trails and roads we thought we would share our adventures with you.
Weekends most often consist of races. Endurance races that range anywhere from 25 to 100 miles. Throw in a multi-day stage race and it makes for a busy schedule.  When there isn't a race, we are off to one of our favorite places to ride.  Traveling, camping, and riding with friends is a great way to spend a weekend, especially when our dog Cliff comes along.
Being married and enjoying the same hobby has many perks.  We can spend time together. There is no having to decide which person will loose out on doing what they want to do because the other one is dragging them to some dreadful event.  Vacations are easy to plan- let's go cycling...let's even do a race as our vacation.  Hanging out with mutual friends is easy, we just go for a ride with them. But being husband and wife and doing all this can be challenging, the occasional trail-side disagreement does occur.
We love cycling and most importantly cycling together. We hope you enjoy following our adventures.
The two of us still smiling after 4+ hours riding in the mud and rain