As Liv states "More Women on Bikes? Heck Ya!"

As Liv states "More Women on Bikes? Heck Ya!"
2017 Liv Ambassador season thus far

2017 is now my second year as a Liv Ambassador. This is a nation wide program to help develop the women's cycling community. Through the Liv brand and my local retailer Saucon Valley Bikes I lead rides, give informational clinics, and act as a go-to resource for Liv and general cycling related information.

This year has been off to a great start; getting women empowered and confident on their bikes is the name of the game.  And I feel this is being accomplished.

During the first portion of the year when it was still cold out, clinics were held in the shop. Fixing a flat, basic bike maintenance, 3F (fit, form, function) and how to prep for a big ride were topics. It was great to see all the ladies learning new skills and discussing ideas and tips about how to make riding more inspiring and enjoyable.  Smiles were had by all.

Now that the weather has turned warmer, it's time to head outside.  Probably my favorite Liv event is the ladies social ice cream ride. These are based out of the bike shop.  We ride the Saucon Rail Trail with a mid-ride stop for some amazing ice cream. This ride is always guaranteed to be a good time.  Lots of fun conversation, a scenic ride, and who doesn't like a stop for ice cream?

Another regular event during the warmer months is mountain bike skills clinics. These are geared toward the beginner/intermediate rider.  The clinic typically starts with discussing, demonstrating, and practicing skills and techniques.  We then head to the trail to put these skills to good use.  I always love seeing the ladies accomplishing new things and the look on their faces when they overcome a challenging trail obstacle they may have been hesitant about or never ridden before.

Now, for a success story.  Two of the ladies that attended all of the winter seminars and are regulars at the ice cream rides recently rode the 100 mile bike route through the Florida Keys; covering the distance in two days.  They are rail trail riders; usually doing around 10 miles or so a day; so this was a big ride for them. They planned this Florida ride and knew they needed to prep. Through the clinics they learned how to fix a flat, how to prepare and train for a big ride, and all about bike clothing and gear (especially chamois cream).  Their ride was a success!  They had a great time, enjoyed the ride, and felt prepared for any adversity the event may have thrown at them.

The Liv program is such a great thing. It inspires confidence, a healthy lifestyle, empowers women, motivates them, and gets more women on bikes. I am so happy to be part of this. When I think about giving back to the sport I embrace, it brings a smile to my face.

Check out the Saucon Valley Bikes Facebook page and the Eastern PA Liv Events page for info on Liv events.

Ride on!