Raven Enduro: "Send It" then Relax on the Trails of State College
Raven Enduro
Event: The Raven Enduro
Place: Spring Mills PA
Ridden: September 2014
Click on video to watch.
Because we enjoy the trails in the State College area so much, we couldn't pass up the chance to ride them again at The Raven Enduro. Another reason we wanted to attend is because the race is put on by the Seven Mountain Conservation Corp., the organization responsible for building and maintaining many of the trails in the area; so a good way to support the trails.
Many people may be asking- what is an Enduro? An Enduro is a race where only certain sections are timed. These sections are typically the most challenging, most often downhill. In between the timed sections people ride slowly, chit chat, and enjoy the day. Out of 2 to 3 hours of riding, usually about 20 to 30 minutes are timed. These sections are designated (and thus timed) by having to scan a timing card at the start/end of each section.
The race was centered at Seven Mountains Boy Scout Camp, same place as Trans-sylvania Epic (TSE). We decided to head out the day before and camp overnight at the scout camp, makes for a much more relaxed race morning because we could sleep in and just roll out of bed for the race start. It also meant a weekend of camping for Cliff. A few other racers also camped, one even made a huge pot of coffee for all of us to share!
There were 5 timed sections, each one ranging from about 2 to 5 minutes (of course depending on how fast or slow one rides!). Some of the trails included on the timed sections were Link Trail, Horse Path, Wildcat, and Decker. Decker ends with riding on the motocross course; up over a big tire and through a pump track. The timed sections were predominantly downhill, maybe a few short punchy climbs and flat sections. As stated earlier, the idea of an Enduro is to test technical skills, so of course all of the timed sections had lots and lots of rocks, roots, tight, twisty turns, and fast decents. Thank goodness for my Giant dropper seatpost, I certainly needed it! The 27.5 inch wheels maneuvered well through the tight and twisty stuff and rolled over the rocks well, this really is a great wheel size to ride.
There were two aid stations along the course offering a variety of snacks and beverages (yes, adult beverages were present at the end). The gnats were horrendous, so those aid station volunteers get a huge THANK YOU for putting up the bugs.
One key point we never forget about when visiting the Spring Mills area is the Seven Mountains Winery. The race course went right by the winery; this was after all the timed sections were finished and we were on the way back to the finish area. Wine bottles fit perfectly in a Camelbak, and since we were just leisurely riding back to the finish the extra weight wasn't a concern.
Both of us raced hard, pushing ourselves and our bikes to the limit. Pushing to the limit of course brings about the risk of crashing and mechanical issues, both of which we encountered. But taking those risks paid off, I was first open female and Joël finished seventh open men. And the best part-both of us rode XC race bikes (myself on Lust Advanced 0 and Joël on the Anthem Advanced 27.5) and lycra shorts- not the typical Enduro bike and clothing choices.
A great weekend of camping, racing, catching up with friends, and making new friends. Enduro may not be our focus but it was fun and something different to do.