Wharton State Forest, aka "Batsto", NJ

Single Track Sunday
Place: Wharton State Forest, aka "Batsto", NJ
Ridden: February 2015

For video click here

After numerous winter storms dropped snow on all of the Northeast and most of the Mid Atlantic, finding places to ride that did not have snow was becoming increasingly difficult. After calling many local bike shops in MD and DE, Joël found out the only place currently with decent riding conditions the weekend in question was Wharton State Forest, known to many as Batsto Trails.

Wharton State Forest is located in the Pine Barrens of Southern NJ.  The average elevation of this area is about 80 feet above sea level, so needless to say there is no climbing here.  But flat terrain brings about another challenge, one is always pedaling, which can be exhausting in it's own way. The trails here are hardpacked, sandy single track that weaves among pine trees, sometimes coming precariously close to the trees. A great place to work on cornering skills.

Total miles of single track trail open to cycling is about 30. In addition to the single track, there are miles and miles of dirt roads to ride on.  Just be on the look out, there are also numerous trails marked for hiking only.

As noted above, many people refer to these trails as the Batsto Trails, because this is the name of the common parking area people choose. This parking lot is adjacent to the Batsto Village, a restored historical village. In addition, a visitor's center and park office is at this parking lot if one needs trail information or wants to learn more about the history of the area.

For the experienced mountain biker looking to get in an epic ride, this may not be the place. But for the snow-bound, cabin-fever suffering cyclist, it is a great place to get in a winter ride.

- words by Jess
- video by Joë
- guest video by Clifford