No riding- working on the bathroom

This week we regret to inform you no video and no review of some awesome riding destination.  Sorry all.

Every year we choose a week in December or January to take time off from riding. It gives our bodies and our minds time to recover and rest.  The hours we would normally by cycling are spend working on home improvements and projects that have been neglected all year.

The project we decided to embark upon during our week off from cycling is re-doing the bathroom. The bathroom in our home is completely covered- walls, ceiling, cabinets, countertops, around the bathtub- in formica. Formica with a brown and green leafy pattern on it. Not hideous but definitely worth changing.

So this week the bathroom is getting an overhaul. We may not be pedaling but we are getting just as good of a workout hammering, painting, and lifting. We are experiencing the smell of 400W primer (specialty primer to paint over formica) and climbing through a maze of 2x3's to use the toilet.  Oh, this is our only bathroom, so it's going to be an interesting week.

As a bonus, with the extra time I have been able to spend a little extra time riding my new horse Moe (he has been at the farm for a week now). It's been nice to have the extra time to help him acclimate to his new surrounds and get to know each other.

Happy home improvements and back to the single track next week,

- Jess and Joël