"The Cinders", Hellertown, PA

Single Track Sunday
Place: Saucon Rail Trail and surrounding trails "the cinders"
Ridden: July 2014

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This week Clifford is the star at one of his favorite places. Cliff, Joël, and I are regular visitors to the local Saucon Rail Trail and surrounding off-shoot single track trails known locally as "the cinders".

The Saucon Rail Trail is an old railroad bed that has been converted into a walking/running/cycling path. It is relatively flat, at most a 3% grade.  The trail travels from Hellertown to Coopersburg, a total length of about 7 miles one way.

Along the trail users can view the Saucon Creek, parks and fields, and old railroad items such as lighting fixtures and signs.

Additionally there are many old rail road buildings and other structures along the trail and in the cinders areas. A neat way to experience some of the history of the area.

This is one of Cliff's favorites spots because it is so close to our house.  We can ride there with Cliff running along side the bikes, and once in the cinders Cliff can run off leash. Besides the many single track trails for Cliff to run on, there is a creek to swim in and the occasional mud puddle to roll in.  For cycling fun, there is even a small dirt jump area.

The cinders only have a few miles of single track, but still enough to get in a good ride when combined with the rail trail.  A good mix of trails for when we want to get away from the rocks and roots for a bit and also a great place to take Cliff.

Cliff is part of our family, we love spending time with him and he loves coming with us on cycling adventures. Having trails so close that allow Cliff to run and have fun are important to us, and we are glad to have these trails right around the corner from home.

- words by Jess
- video and photos by Joël