Single Track Sunday- A New Adventure For Cliff

Single Track Sunday
Place: South Mountain Lehigh, Bethlehem, PA
Ridden: March 2014

As I am sure most of you experienced, this weekend was a washout. Due to the torrential rains and muddy trail conditions, Joël and I opted to do our training rides on the road.  Nothing video worthy for a Single Track Sunday production, just us pedaling through the rain, puddles, and mud.

Despite the conditions, there was a cycling highlight this past weekend for the Nankman family. During a brief interlude from the rain on Saturday morning we decided to take Cliff over to Lehigh for a short jaunt on the single track; and we transported him there via his Co-Pilot cart.We have been socializing Cliff to his cart for some time with short trips around the block.  This was the day to finally take him in his cart to the trails. He did well, single track as a reward for enduring the bumpy ride works just fine for Cliff.

Not only is the Giant Anthem Advanced a great trail bike, it is also just as quick and nimble when pulling a dog in a cart!

Click on the video below to see Cliff and his cart in action