Single Track Sunday- The Wheelmill, Pittsburgh, PA & Ray's Indoor MTB, Cleveland, OH

Single Track Sunday
Place: The Wheelmill, Pittsburgh, PA & Ray's Indoor MTB Park, Cleveland, OH
Ridden: January 2014

Road trip!  Due to the deep snow in Eastern PA, we decided to travel to western PA and OH to do some indoor riding and skills practice. Both of these places are old factories/warehouses that have been converted into indoor mountain biking parks.  There are obstacles to practice on and various courses to ride.

Our first stop was Pittsburg PA and the WheelMill. This is a relatively new place; opening about two years ago. This was our first time riding there.  Right now it is lacking in what it has to offer, but it has potential.  There is limited riding but one can tell there is active construction and building going on.  So let's see what it is like in a few years, maybe worth going back to in time.

After a night at the Red Roof in (pet friendly because Clifford made the trip with us also), we drove over to Cleveland to ride at Ray's Indoor Mountainbike Park.  Rays has been around for 10 years and is huge, offering riding options for all styles and abilities.  We have been to Rays many time before and it never disappoints; hours and hours of riding there without being bored.  We rode until we were too tired to ride anymore and then headed home.

It was a great weekend of practicing skills and getting some riding in.  And the best part- the temperature is great when riding indoors!

Due to some technical issues we can't get the video directly on the blog. So here is a link to this weeks video.