Singletrack Sunday- Moosic Mountain, PA

Singletrack Sunday
Place: Moosic Mountain, PA
Ridden: September 2013

Here is our first installment of Singletrack Sunday. Every Sunday we will be highlighting the most interesting and/or favorite trail system from the previous week via a video.

This week we traveled up to the Dick and Nancy Eales Preserve at Moosic Mountain, near Scranton, PA.  It was an area once slated to become a business park, but is now a preserve maintained by the Nature Conservancy.  The area undergoes controlled burns regularly.

Trail report, well, it was rocky. Areas of chattery baby-heads mixed with large, flat rock formations to ride over. The trails were well maintained and it was obvious many hours went into the building of these trails based on the abundant rock armoring, rock bridges, and bermed corners.  Not too much climbing, most of the trail system in on the ridge top. 

All in all about 11 miles of trails; lots of little side loops need to be taken to get in this many miles.

Below are two videos. If you watch the one directly from the blog the quality is not the greatest, it's a bit grainy.  The Vimeo link has a better quality video but may take longer to download.  Also, not changing the videos to full screen helps keep them more clear.

Direct from blog version

Vimeo link