Single Track Sunday
Event: Michaux Off-Road Weekend
Place: Michaux State Forest, Shippensburg, PA
Ridden: March 2015
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Michaux Off-Road Weekend in Michaux State Forest, PA, was the recent adventure. In summary, the weekend went like this: racing, dogs playing, hanging out around the campfire, sleeping in the van, more racing, and then home to clean the layers and layers of mud off of EVERYTHING.
To set the stage for the weekend, let's describe the weather. The week preceding the race gave hope that winter was finally gone. It was sunny, dry, and temps were consistent with Spring- highs in the mid 40s. Almost all of the winter snow had melted. The day before the race weekend a winter storm came through, yup, a winter storm at the end of March dumping a few inches of snow on the race location.
Luckily the Super-D didn't start until the afternoon, some time for the snow to melt. When pre-riding the course there were still a few inches of ice and snow; by the time the race was happening most of the snow had melted but it was instead a muddy mess. The 3.2 mile course was primarily downhill, with a few short, punchy climbs. Moderately technical but nothing outrageous. The mud added to the challenge- making the corners slippery and the descents a bit more sketchy.
Once at the camping location, we caught up with the Fast Forward Racing production crew for some hanging out time around the campfire. Cliff played with his other dog friends while we ate, relaxed, and stayed warm next to the fire.
So how did the weekend go for us? I was 2nd Cat1/Pro Super-D and 3rd Endurance. Joël was 4th Cat1/Pro Super-D and 9th Endurance. Both of us were content with our races but yet we also realize we have a lot of work to do before the next race!
- words by Jess
- video by Joël
- fun in the mud by Clifford