Single Track Sunday
Place: Susquehanna State Park, Havre de Grace, MD
Ridden: February 2015

Located along the Susquehanna River valley with its heavy forest cover and rocky terrain, Susquehanna State Park offers a wide variety of outdoor recreational activities as well as points of historical significance. Trails open to hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian use are abundant, while the river is used by fishermen and boaters. The park contains a family friendly campground and areas open to day use for picnics. History buffs are drawn to many historic buildings and mansions, a working grist mill, and remains of an old canal system.

The mountain biking trails are considered some of the the most popular and difficult trails in Maryland. And they certainly are challenging. Steep climbs and descents are all there is, it seems like we were either going up or down. Water bars are abundant- which just adds to the challenge when climbing. There are rocky sections of trail, but nothing is unrideable. At some points the trails crosses open fields, so there are a few places to relax and look around for a bit. The trails are marked with colored blazes and name signs but bring a trail map along, we didn't see any kiosks or trail maps available trail side. We have been told that in total there is about 30 miles of trails in the park; we rode 20ish miles and did loop back on the same trails just a few times.

Just an FYI- there is a dog leash rule for the park that is instituted. Clifford was told by a park ranger he had to be on a leash. Thus, Cliff was stuck with having to stay on the leash and thus not much trail time for him in this adventure.
- words by Jess
- video by Joël