Single Track Sunday
Event: Highlights of 2014 Giant Northeast Racing Season
Place: Mid-Atlantic Super Series Races and a few other places
Ridden: 2014
Highlight Video
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This week's Single Track Sunday is a highlight video of the year, with a focus on the Giant Northeast team.

This year was our first year riding for Giant Northeast, and it has been a positive experience for both of us. Getting to ride amazing bikes, making new friends, and sharing the "Ride Life" and "LIV Beyond" philosophies has made 2014 a good year for both of us.
Riding the Lust Advanced 0 and Anthem Advanced 27.5 has made for many great miles on the trails. The 27.5 inch wheels accelerate quickly and roll over things easily, the Maestro suspension absorbs the chatter well on the downhills, and is stiff and efficient on the uphills, and the SRAM components keep the gears shifting smoothly.
New riding partners and racing friends have been made by being part of the team. And added bonus to this; friends in other places means more places to ride! And teammates visiting us means people to show around the local trails. It's been a fun year making new friends out there on the trails.
But of course even with awesome bikes and great gear, we would not be on the trails at all without the help and support of Saucon Valley Bikes. Our local shop, SVB, has kept our bikes in working order and makes sure we are race ready. And let's not forget ProGold lube, keeping those chains happy and Stan's keeping the tires from going flat.
2014 was a great year of racing for me, a so-so year for Joël. I hit all my goals and did better than expected at many races. Joël just had a tough time getting into the grove at some races. Highlights of the year were a FIRST place at the Trans-sylvania Epic for us in the Co-ed Duo Division, a FOURTH place at the 100 mile race the Wilderness 101 for me, and FIRST overall for me and SECOND for Joël in the MASS Endurance Series. Most important was we finished every race we started, no DNFs here. A stomach virus at TSE, sitting on the side of the road at Wilderness, and multiple flat tires at Tuscarora sometimes had us questioning what we were doing, but we persevered though the tough times and came out of these times stronger and knowing we can make it through the tough times.
And a key aspect of the year- going through all of this together. We train together and often race together (doing multiple duo races a year). We both enjoy mountain biking, but what we enjoy the most is mountain biking together, helping each other through the tough times and enjoying each other's good times. And of course, ride would not be complete without Cliff, the best trail friend ever!
Thanks to everyone for all of the support this year. Here's looking to 2015!
Race results for 2014
Tuscarora 4 hour Endurance: Jess 7th; Joël 7th; multiple flat tires for both of us at this race
Team Relay- who knows our places but we had fun
Michaux 4 hour Endurance: Jess 4th; Joël 6th
Fair Hill XC (Cat 1): Jess 13th; Joël 28th
Iron Hill 4 hour Endurance: Jess 2nd, Joël 6th
French Creek 4 hr Endurance: Jess 2nd, Joël 3rd
Greenbriar 4 hour Endurance: Jess 2nd; Joël 4th
Trans-Sylvania Epic Stage Race: 1st Place Co-ed Duo
Rothrock Trail Mix Marathon: Jess 3rd, Joël 10th
Stoopid 50 Marathon: Jess 5th; Joël 90th; we rode together, taking pictures and stopping to enjoy the scenery
Patapasco 66 Mile Marathon:1st place Co-ed Duo
Wilderness 101: Jess 4th, Joël 51st
Rattling Creek 50 Miler: Jess 3rd, Joël 9th
Fair Hill Endurace: Jess 7th, Joël 15th
Raven Enduro: Jess 1st, Joël 7th
TREXX Fest Enduro: Jess 5th, Joël 9th
MASS Endurance Series Overall Endurance- Jess 1st, Joël 2nd
No DNFs, we raced and finished every race we entered.

But of course even with awesome bikes and great gear, we would not be on the trails at all without the help and support of Saucon Valley Bikes. Our local shop, SVB, has kept our bikes in working order and makes sure we are race ready. And let's not forget ProGold lube, keeping those chains happy and Stan's keeping the tires from going flat.

And a key aspect of the year- going through all of this together. We train together and often race together (doing multiple duo races a year). We both enjoy mountain biking, but what we enjoy the most is mountain biking together, helping each other through the tough times and enjoying each other's good times. And of course, ride would not be complete without Cliff, the best trail friend ever!
Thanks to everyone for all of the support this year. Here's looking to 2015!

Tuscarora 4 hour Endurance: Jess 7th; Joël 7th; multiple flat tires for both of us at this race
Team Relay- who knows our places but we had fun
Michaux 4 hour Endurance: Jess 4th; Joël 6th
Fair Hill XC (Cat 1): Jess 13th; Joël 28th
Iron Hill 4 hour Endurance: Jess 2nd, Joël 6th
French Creek 4 hr Endurance: Jess 2nd, Joël 3rd
Greenbriar 4 hour Endurance: Jess 2nd; Joël 4th
Trans-Sylvania Epic Stage Race: 1st Place Co-ed Duo
Rothrock Trail Mix Marathon: Jess 3rd, Joël 10th
Stoopid 50 Marathon: Jess 5th; Joël 90th; we rode together, taking pictures and stopping to enjoy the scenery
Patapasco 66 Mile Marathon:1st place Co-ed Duo
Wilderness 101: Jess 4th, Joël 51st
Rattling Creek 50 Miler: Jess 3rd, Joël 9th
Fair Hill Endurace: Jess 7th, Joël 15th
Raven Enduro: Jess 1st, Joël 7th
TREXX Fest Enduro: Jess 5th, Joël 9th
MASS Endurance Series Overall Endurance- Jess 1st, Joël 2nd
No DNFs, we raced and finished every race we entered.